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Iwanttoeat1 Blog

Friday, February 17, 2012

How to make Leche flan (caramel custard)

Want to eat sweets? In the Philippines, Leche Flan or the Caramel custard  is  usually serve during occasions only like fiestas or birthday party. The procedure in making leche flan is also called water bath since a pan or container of food is placed in a shallow pan with hot water then placed to bake in an oven or on stove. If you are planning to make at home for your family just follow the procedure below. Here are some easy steps on how to make delicious leche flan: Ingredients: 3/4 cup  sugar 1 3/4...
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Food Value of Beverages

water Are you thirsty? Human has different likes and needs in terms of beverages. Some may like just a pure water to ease their thirst while others prefer to have fruit or vegetable beverages or even soft drinks. Thirst is your body’s way of telling you that you need liquids. Let’s find out what is really the importance of the different beverages that we used to have. Having a good and nutritious choice of beverages can increase the food value of a meal. It is a valuable part of someone’s diet. Water, Milk, Cocoa and Chocolate Beverages, Coffee...
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